Census Charts Index > Race and Hispanic or Latino for Montana

Montana Census Data: Race and Hispanic or Latino by County

Race and Hispanic or Latino statistics for Montana counties are shown in this easy-to-read table and chart combination.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census.

Census Data: Race and Hispanic or Latino
LocationPopulationRace %Hispanic & Latino %Location
WhiteBlack or
American Indian and Alaska NativeAsianNative HawaiianSome other raceTwo or more racesHispanic or Latino, any raceWhite, not Hispanic or Latino
United States

281,421,906 States

Beaverhead Co.9,20295. Co.
Big Horn Co.12,67136. Horn Co.
Blaine Co.7,00952. Co.
Broadwater Co.4,38597. Co.
Carbon Co.9,55297. Co.
Carter Co.1,36098. Co.
Cascade Co.80,35790. Co.
Chouteau Co.5,97084. Co.
Custer Co.11,69697. Co.
Daniels Co.2,01796. Co.
Dawson Co.9,05997. Co.
Deer Lodge Co.9,41795. Lodge Co.
Fallon Co.2,83798. Co.
Fergus Co.11,89397. Co.
Flathead Co.74,47196. Co.
Gallatin Co.67,83196. Co.
Garfield Co.1,27999. Co.
Glacier Co.13,24735. Co.
Golden Valley Co.1,04299. Valley Co.
Granite Co.2,83096. Co.
Hill Co.16,67379. Co.
Jefferson Co.10,04996. Co.
Judith Basin Co.2,32998. Basin Co.
Lake Co.26,50771. Co.
Lewis and Clark Co.55,71695. and Clark Co.
Liberty Co.2,15899. Co.
Lincoln Co.18,83796. Co.
McCone Co.1,97797. Co.
Madison Co.6,85197. Co.
Meagher Co.1,93297. Co.
LocationPopulationRace %Hispanic & Latino %Location
WhiteBlack or
American Indian and Alaska NativeAsianNative HawaiianSome other raceTwo or more racesHispanic or Latino, any raceWhite, not Hispanic or Latino
United States

281,421,906 States

Mineral Co.3,88494. Co.
Missoula Co.95,80294. Co.
Musselshell Co.4,49796. Co.
Park Co.15,69496. Co.
Petroleum Co.49399. Co.
Phillips Co.4,60189. Co.
Pondera Co.6,42483. Co.
Powder River Co.1,85897. River Co.
Powell Co.7,18092. Co.
Prairie Co.1,19998. Co.
Ravalli Co.36,07096. Co.
Richland Co.9,66796. Co.
Roosevelt Co.10,62040. Co.
Rosebud Co.9,38364. Co.
Sanders Co.10,22791. Co.
Sheridan Co.4,10597. Co.
Silver Bow Co.34,60695. Bow Co.
Stillwater Co.8,19596. Co.
Sweet Grass Co.3,60997. Grass Co.
Teton Co.6,44596. Co.
Toole Co.5,26793. Co.
Treasure Co.86196. Co.
Valley Co.7,67588. Co.
Wheatland Co.2,25997. Co.
Wibaux Co.1,06898. Co.
Yellowstone Co.129,35292. Co.

Reading the Chart:

The entries under the Race % headings are percentages of the race(s) as self-identified by the respondents. For example, the entry in the first row (United States) in the White column is 75.1, meaning that 75.1% of the U.S. population identify themselves as white.

Hispanic & Latino % values are percentages of the Hispanic & Latino classification, also self-identified.

The length of the colored bars in the Race % and Hispanic & Latino % table cells are in proportion to the value of the number in the cell. For example, the colored bar in the cell showing 75.1 is 75.1% as wide as the cell. For small percentages the colored bar does not appear.

Population counts people. Here the colored bars represent percentages of the highest population of any county in the state. For example, the county with the highest population will have a colored bar that fills the cell. A county with half that many people will have a colored bar that fills half the cell. For small percentages the bar does not appear.

Abbreviations used in location names: Co. = County, C.A. = Census Area, Pa. = Parish, Municipio = Mu.

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Please note that if you set your browser to display very large text sizes, the table cell sizes will change, and the lengths of the colored bars will not be accurate, although they will still show proportions.

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